Here are some photos taken at school. Explanation: I take lots of pictures at the school laboratory in order to keep them as evidence of the experiments processes in my lab diary. Some of the pictures I take aren't really showing the process (evidence) because I take them to record the colors or the shapes (because I think they're pretty hahaha) instead of the actions hahaha, so... they aren't really useful in my lab diary and I prefer to keep them in my little-photographer-beginner-portfolio. I have more than 100, but let's keep it short :B :
Le Châtelier's principle.
An Erlenmeyer flask with cobalt chloride inside a beaker with hot water.
Salicylic acid
An Erlenmeyer flask inside a beaker with a glass rod, We were preparing Aspirin.
An unforgettable experiment. It was traumatic, I had had to repeat the same procedure
almost 4 times and it took more than 10 hours from my life hahahaha.
Traumatic, but worth it (I think). Now I can prepare aspirin hahaha.
Life is change, growth is optional
May look like the typical germination experiment, but It took more than two weeks and 80 beans to work.
Unlike the other photos, this picture did serve as evidence in my project,
photoshop was added later hahaha.